


Internal analyses

Covid-19 and state of emergency – Dashboard

External tools

The following websites are great sources of information. 

LeMonde overview of public liberties in Africa in the time of Covid 19 | French

OECD Covid Policy tracker | English

Follow up of social distancing in Africa | English

Follow up of covid 19 cases in West Africa | French

Legal situation in European countries | English

Oxford Covid 19 stringency index | English

School closures | English

National responses to the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic | English

State of emergency – situation in a few countries | English

Wide range of COVID visualisations| English

Tracking impact of covid measures on press freedom | English

Dashboard with updates on travel restrictions | English

List of resources | English

OCHA situation reports, most recent ones related to Covid | English & French

The Economic Impact of COVID-19 around the World | English

Health Intervention Tracking | English

Covid-19 projections and resources | English

Blogs on Covid and global responses | English

Humanitarian responses in relation to Covid-19 | English

List of Covid-19 research initiatives | English

IMF summary of country policy responses | English

Dashboard of social and political factors in relation to Covid-19 | English

Global Covid-19 policy tracker | English

List of global travel restrictions | English

Economic support measures by country | English

Africa Covid-19 Community Vulnerability Index | English
